Sharing is caring

Wouldn’t it be grand to click a button and have your mobile’s native share dialog come up? This used to take funky third party js widgets, or registering for all the various site api’s individual; I remember it could take a week to get it right with SEO back in the golden days.
Well friends fear no more check out the webshare api
Now hypothetically say you have a fullscreened progressive web app, looks slick don’t it? The problem though is the missing url bar.
Here’s your solution in the form of a method. One caveat is this must be called on a user action like click.
share() {
if (navigator.share) {
title: 'title',
text: 'description',
url: `url`
.catch(err => {
console.log(`Couldn't share because of`, err.message);
} else {
console.log("web share not supported");
<a class="show-mobile" href="#" @click.prevent="share">🔗 share</a>
Oh one more thing, this is only supported on mobile devices. I find this solution better than the user agent sniffing dark arts.
.show-mobile {
display: none;
@media (pointer: coarse) {
.show-mobile {
display: inline-block;
Why not fire up your cellular device and give it a try with this article, how meta would that be?
Tagged with: frontend, webshare, javascript, pwa