My First Homepage

I had to the wayback internet archive to find a snapshot from 2009.
I left it as is and check the lighthouse scores I was happily surprised.

A lot of the best practises I preached back in Cape Town 15 years ago are still applicable. Albeit there are new and better ones, but some of the classics still apply!
I hosted my old site for fun please be gentle, haha kidding I can take a critique if you’ve got but I won’t be updating it’s a historical reference and 15 years old! (none of the socials exist and many of the links are broken)
Some of the “advanced” stuff at the time I employed was my own custom icon font, async non blocking js loading, and inline base64 small images.
Checkout all the sides below, cheers! New blog in progress… most of the content is from 2009 right now except the posts :P Focusing on perf first
Tagged with: html, performance